Combat Athlete Training Systems


Hi Steve, I just wanted to let you know that your functional fitness classes exponentially improved my cardiovascular system, running energy and stamina. After not working out for a year, I began running in mid August. I started running once a week on the treadmill for 20 minutes, started at 5.0 went up to 6.0 during my last 3-4 minutes. On last week’s run, I started at 5.3 and worked-up to 6.2. For the last two weeks, I started training with you 3 times a week, and immediately saw results, although I never changed my diet, and I love to eat real food. Yesterday, I started my usual run on the treadmill, and amazingly, I started at 6.0 and went up to 7.5. for the last 8 minutes of my 20 minute work-out. I have no idea how this happened. I can only attribute the surge in energy and power to your workouts. Because Armand immediately saw results in his body, his abs were more toned after 2 workouts with you. Thank you!
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